It seems that the nature always wake up something into our soul and mind since we focus our heart in her beauty and in her energy... something really special that can be even magic...
Just thank you PACHAMAMA, thank you NATURE to always be here for us and to bring us in a such good state of spirit...
We all have the natural duty to respect you and protect you as much as we can...
It is a beautiful story of a dreamer, a dreamer who decided to fight to reach what he believe in...
Some people may say to him:
"-Aren't you afraid?
-Afraid? no, at the contrary, I trust in the Life! Everything is possible to the ones believing in it!" he would say
-Well, I guess this is how it is!
-Without fear, we find the freedom, don't you think?
And once again, smiling to the Life, we can do much more things than what we sometimes think...
This probably also helps meeting the right people and the right places!
"-ARRAAAAAAAH, do you know it?
-No, what is it?
-It is a very special word, that makes me feel even more free in some occasion...
-Let's mix the beauty and the sereinity of the snow with this ARA feeling that life is beautiful and that everything is possible...
-ARRAAAAH? it has Hope in it then...
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